AngularJS is one of the platforms that play well with others. Users can use Angular with other libraries and allow users to take customization to another level.
AngularJS falls in the categories of open source framework. And, being maintained by Google, it augments a strong value to the web application. Plus, it comes with a two-way data binding which makes it a fitting framework for creating a real-time application.
In addition to that, AngularJS is a component of MEAN Stack, a stack consisting of MongoDB database, Express.js web application framework, AngularJS and Node.js for frontend and backend respectively. All of them share some common attributes, first, all are open source and second all uses JavaScript.
AngularJS is one of the platforms that play well with others. Users can use Angular with other libraries and allow users to take customization to another level.
One of the beauties of data binding is it eliminates the need for DOM manipulation, which saves a lot of time, also with two-way binding the UI of the app automatically updates.
Angular is supported by Google itself, given the reputation, it is palpable that the customer support among the development community will be extremely stable. Moreover, as it has a high adoption rate which ensures the constant updates.
MVC architecture is one of the widely used development patterns since it supports a swift workflow and easier maintenance, quicker development is also part of this.
As a popular and respected AngularJS development company, we offer a wide range of services that are not limited to but include the following services.